Does it work?

Yeah, it does. The thing about CBD Gummies is that you don’t really notice that you feel “good,” per se. It’s more about the absence of what you don’t feel, which is pain, anxiety, inflammation, depression, and so forth. Thirty minutes after ingestion, I notice that I feel calmer and more relaxed. As for the pain, it’s greatly diminished. I can still notice a slight ache in my arm, but I really have to concentrate on feeling that. As a result of living in a sling for a few years during the surgeries, my neck and shoulder muscles are riddled with knots and are generally jacked up and sore consistently. My natural resting state is to have my shoulders scrunched up, further exacerbating my soreness. After a dose of CBD Oil, I find they drop down to a more natural position and I’m left feeling far more comfortable and less sore. The effects of the CBD oil last for two or three hours, depending on how large the dose I’ve ingested, and you can tell it’s wearing off when you start to notice the soreness and pain intensifying.

How does it taste?

The rainbow bites taste like candy, thanks to some granulated sugar coating. They don’t taste medicinal in any way. All the sour gummies taste have a nice tang after the initial sweetness, and are also devoid of any medicinal aftertaste. The regular gummy bears aren’t overly sweet and have a regular chewiness and taste equally smooth.

Can you use CBD for PTSD?

While there’s no perfect cure for dealing with PTSD, there have been a lot of tests showing that CBD is a potential option. Cannabinoids have a hard time being taken seriously in the medical industry despite solid research. However, if you start looking at the little bit of research done, and how the endocannabinoid system plays a role in emotions, you see that it makes sense.

The parts of our brain that regulate memory retrieval are deeply intertwined with the concept of PTSD. The way that we consolidate emotions and memory give insight into ways to treat PTSD. The endocannabinoid system is the ideal target for treating emotional and cognitive issues.

The two main receptors that CBD impacts are found on all humans and animals. These receptors, known as CB1 and CB2 are configured to take CBD as a treatment for anxiety and mood-related issues. These receptors modulate neurotransmitters and have a lot of different impacts on your central nervous system.

When it comes to pleasure, trauma and how you process memories, CBD helps to manage the way your body regulates that. The elements found in CBD seem to work together with your receptors to block you from continuously retrieving trauma. On top of that, CBD seems to reduce the anxieties associated with that trauma.